Category Archives: Uncategorized

Faster Tables via Row Heights

If you have a table with different per-row heights, it may load slowly because your height method is called for every row in the table before any of the table is first displayed — and it’s very easy to write a slow height method. This post presents a one-method category to fix this slow-down; code […]

Don’t worry, Be happy

This post describes a correction to the Be category when dealing with class clusters. The Be category adds the be method to all objects and allows you to replace code like this: MyObject *obj = [[[MyObject alloc] initWithThing:thing] autorelease]; with code like this: MyObject *obj = [[MyObject be] initWithThing:thing]; This is useful in that it […]


Ok, this is the obligatory blog intro explaining what the blog is about. iPhone OS coders, this blog is for you. As I’ve learned Cocoa Touch and become proficient in working with the iPhone SDK and related libraries and tasks, I’ve seen a lot of trouble spots that I’m sure affect many other coders as […]